

(Last Update: 04.03.2024) Almost one-third of the tourists who come to see Paris definitely visit the Louvre Museum. When you go down from the door of the main pyramid to visit, you can directly reach the main entrance of the museum. After visiting the museum, many people may not notice the large corridor that opens to another section outside the museum. However, there is a large shopping mall under the Louvre Museum.
(Last Update: 04.03.2024) There are churches in Paris that I have never thought to go inside even though I have passed them many times. Even though I visit Saint Germain Boulevard once a week, for some reason it never occurred to me to go inside the Saint Germain des Prés Church and look at it. It was as if that church was erected in that square as a monument just to give its name to the district, but of course it was not. Making 6.
(Last Update: 04.03.2024) While Paris has so many beautiful boulevards, avenues and streets, one wonders which one to write about. Of course, some of these stand out a little more with some of their features. Some of them are centers of luxury shopping, some are the center of attention of young people, some are important from a touristic point of view, and some are the address of eating and drinking. Even though some of them are not very big, you will be taken to a completely different perspective the moment you enter.
(Last Update: 01.04.2024) Although it is nice to wander around the streets of Paris from morning to evening, finding a solution for the need to go to the toilet at odd times is also an important issue. It seems strange to me to write an article about Paris City Toilets, but since Pariste.Net is a Paris Guide where all kinds of information about this city is shared, and since toilets are
(Last Update: 21.03.2023) This was an extremely decent place located on the Champs-Elysées, but it was closed and another restaurant called Le Pavillon Elysée Té was opened, but since I did not experience the new restaurant, I removed the text and photos. You can find information about the new venue on the official website below. Thanks. Web Address: Le Pavillon Elysée Té
Last Update: 18.03.2023) When I first started writing Pariste.Net, I was writing separately for the Christmas markets that would be opened that year, but over time, I decided to write a single article for the Christmas Markets and update that article every year to provide information. For this reason, when do the Christmas markets start and end in Paris, where are they set up and how many people attend Christmas markets in public?
(Last Update: 04.03.2024) In this article, I would like to tell you about a very interesting swimming pool in Paris, Piscine Joséphine Baker. Every time I see this place, I think of the pool on Galatasaray Island. I think the idea of ​​swimming in a swimming pool in the middle of the Bosphorus is really very special and privileged. Of course, there is no comparison, but Piscine Joséphine Baker is also a swimming pool where you can swim on the Seine River in Paris.
(Last Update: 04.03.2024) As I shared in my previous articles, there are a total of 37 bridges over the Seine River and 4 of these bridges serve only as pedestrian bridges. Here we are on one of those bridges again in this article: Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir (passerel simon dö bovuar or pasegel simon dö bovuağ). This bridge, built between Bibliothèque National de France and Parc de Bercy, is used only for pedestrian crossing.