
My most important starting point while preparing Pariste.Net was to ensure that everyone can travel on their own without needing any other help by producing plenty of content for those who love Paris and want to come and visit this city that offers them endless options, and I think I have come a long way in this regard. .

Although I received many offers to be a tour guide during this period, tour guiding was not a profession. I do not think of doing such a thing as it is a job that requires serious effort, is tiring and has heavy responsibility.

Airport transportation, Private chauffeured vehicle service, Tour guide,translation, settling in France, Buying and Renting a House in France, airbnb style tourist house rental in Paris, marriage in Paris, photo shoot etc. Among those who will come to Paris for different reasons and needs such as professional service I can also try to help by making your life easier by connecting those who want to buy with real tourism professionals in Paris.

Therefore, if you want your trip organizations to Paris to be carried out by a real tourism professional. you can write me.

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Bu arada, I would like to underline that, It is not possible for me to assist you directly with tour guiding and other professional services. I'm just trying to help you by directing you to the right person who I think might be interested in you, based on the topic you're interested in. Although I will help you communicate with people I know and care about personally, you will appreciate that I cannot vouch for the communication you will establish, the agreements you will make and the services you will receive.

In light of all this information, you can reach the tourism professionals you need in Paris. you can write me. If you specify the subject title in your e-mail, I will send you a response e-mail as soon as possible with information on who you should contact.

Happy days, pleasant trips, pleasant discoveries…


Ahmet ÖRE | December 2024 | Nice & Paris