(Last Update: 30.01.2025) This time we are in Place des Vosges, one of the most beautiful squares in Paris. IV in 1605. HenryThe first name of the square, the construction of which started by the order ofPlace Royale”, meaning “Royal Square”, but it was built after the French revolution of 1789. Vosges, the department that first paid taxes to the French StateNamed in honor of Napoleon The name of the square was changed to "Place des Vosges".

Place des Vosges in Paris.Net

Although we - rightly - “Plas des Vosges"Or"plas de vojeEven though we try to say "" etc., it's interesting that the French call this place "plas de vojThey pronounce it as ” 🙂 Vosges Square at that time Louvre PalaceIn the beginning, it was intended as a place for the residence of high-ranking officials working in the country. In this sense, it was built for high-ranking officials working in the Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul. AkaretsWe can say that it resembles .

Place des Vosges in Paris.Net

First of all, Vosges Square is quite different from the general square idea we are used to in Paris. This is a place designed as a very large "inner courtyard", rather than the concept of "a large plain at the intersection of certain main roads". It is surrounded by square-shaped buildings on all four sides, and the bottom of the buildings are designed as round-arched galleries.

Place des Vosges in Paris.Net

The architecture of the buildings, the symmetrical park arrangement in the square, fountains, statues and many other details put Vosges Square on the list of must-see places during a Paris trip. It is very difficult to decide where it should be on the list, but if you do whatever you can and include this place in your travel itinerary, I can guarantee that you will not regret it.

Place des Vosges in Paris.Net

In the middle of Vosges Square, XIII. LouisIt is a great pleasure to sit in the park where 's statue and four ornamental pools are located and watch the surroundings, as well as touring the cloistered gallery and visiting the magnificent art galleries. Again nice cafes, restaurants, interesting boutiques; So whatever you are looking for is available here.

Place des Vosges in Paris.Net

Moreover The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les Misérables and author of many other important novels The house where Victor Hugo lived between 1832 and 1848 It is located in de Vosges Square and is used as a museum. can be visited for free. Victor Hugo's HouseVisiting the city will be an important activity to experience the architecture of the Place des Vosges apartments from the inside, as well as taking a culture and art tour.

Place des Vosges in Paris.Net

Vosges Square – Place des Vosges can be a visit point in itself or Marais District or Bastille At a point that can be included in travel programs. In terms of location, it is located in the middle of these two centers.

Place des Vosges in Paris.Net

For those who will come on foot, you can enter from four different points, my most preferred route is number 1. metro of the line Saint Paul get off at the station, Bastille As you walk towards the direction you will see on the left Sully Hotel Entering the courtyard of the building, passing through the second courtyard and proceeding through the door on the right to directly reach the porticoed galleries of the Place des Vosges; Be sure that when you do this, you will feel like you have traveled in time.

Place des Vosges in Paris.Net

I always recommend entering through the open doors you find in the square, but especially the hotel located on the right side of the street at the north end, a wonderful hotel tucked away in a hidden corner. The Queen's PavilionI recommend you to definitely visit and stay there if your budget allows. It is not necessary to stay there, but especially in autumn, the color of the ivy in the inner courtyard will fascinate you.

Place des Vosges in Paris.Net

After visiting the square, when you exit through any door you want and continue on your way, there will always be something to see and attract your attention. Vosges Square – To get detailed information about things to do around Place des Vosges Marais District Just read the article.

Pleasant trips, pleasant discoveries.



Address: Place des Vosges, 75004 Paris



  1. Ersoy Soydan Reply

    France is the second country after Italy where private radio broadcasting started, and I explained this in my master's thesis.

    Another important event took place in Vosges Square. There was a state monopoly in the field of radio-TV broadcasting in Continental Europe, and this was broken for the first time with pirated broadcasts in Italy. The developments in Italy also affected France. The radio station called "Radio-Verte", managed by environmental groups, broadcast for 13 minutes on the FM band 1977 Mhz frequency in Paris on May 92, 40. Previously, in 1975, a station called Radyo-Active had attempted to broadcast pirate radio. However, Radio-Verte had started broadcasting officially, not secretly, but by declaring itself. This publication, which started in writer Jean-Edern Hallier's apartment in Vosges Square in Paris, is considered the beginning of a new era in France. The state monopoly in publishing was broken in the Vosges Square.

    • Ahmet Ore Reply

      It was not possible for me to know this interesting detail, but thanks to you, I learned it. From now on, I will always remember this when I pass through Place de Vosges. Thank you very much for sharing with us.

  2. A very nice article. When I read it, I remembered the places I went. I will go back and look at it from a different angle after your article, thank you.

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