

(Last Update: 07.09.2024) So far, in my articles, I have mentioned that there are three islands in Paris, and I even explained that two of them are natural and one is an artificial island, but in this article, we go a little outside the touristic center of Paris and visit another very beautiful island. , We will get to know Île de la Jatte, that is, Jatte Island. As you know, it is one of two islands in the touristic center of Paris.
(Last Update: 05.09.2024) Those who follow Pariste.Net know that there are a total of 4 bridges in Paris, 33 of which are for pedestrians and 37 for vehicles. In this article, we will get to know the second bridge that I like most in Paris, Bir Hakeim Bridge - Pont de Bir-Hakeim. Between us, I like the Pont Alexandre III Bridge the most... Being "the most beautiful" is relative, of course.
(Last Update: 05.09.2024) I always say that the French "do not like enjoying themselves by the water, or rather eating and drinking, as much as we do", probably to protect themselves from natural conditions. As you know, rivers can overflow from time to time, so waterside areas are always in danger. I can understand this to a certain extent, but are we overthinking eating and drinking by the water, or are the French?
(Last Update: 05.09.2024) Passerelle Léopold Sédar Senghor (Passerelle Solférino), one of the 37 bridges in Paris, is also one of the 4 pedestrian bridges over the Seine River. The bridge, which was first built in 1861 during the time of Napoleon and took its name from the Battle of Solférino, was later demolished and was replaced with a completely steel construction in 1961. When this bridge became deactivated in 1992, the current bridge was built in 1999 and its name was changed to "Solférino" by the former President of Senegal in 2006.
(Last Update: 04.09.2024) Although it is interesting that among the 37 bridges on the Seine River, the oldest bridge in Paris is called Pont Neuf (New Bridge), this name always reminds me of the New Mosque in Istanbul. When I was a child, I thought that the New Mosque was a new mosque with the appearance of an old mosque; Then one day I realized how surprised I was when I learned that it was opened on July 8, 1606.
(Last Update: 07.09.2024) The place we call Paris is actually a city built around the Seine River, which winds through the middle of a flat plain, and what makes Paris Paris is not its geographical beauties, but the success of humankind in building cities and most of all its aesthetic understanding. Otherwise, since they do not have a Bosphorus like we do, it is the best way to build a life around a river they have.
(Last Update: 03.09.2024) In this article, we will get to know one of the most famous among the 37 bridges on the Seine River: Pont des Arts (pon dezar or pon dezağ)... This name can be translated as "Bridge of Arts" or "Bridge of Arts". Due to the locks hung by the lovers for a while, the bridge was called Pont des Amoureux (pon dezamurö or pon dezamuğö), that is, the Bridge of Lovers.
(Last Update: 03.09.2024) Pont Alexandre III (Alexandre III Bridge), the most magnificent and, in my opinion, the most beautiful of the 37 large and small bridges over the Seine River in Paris, is actually a unique work of art built in 1900... It was created in 1892. The bridge, whose construction started in 1896 after the French-Russian union, was built by the then Russian Tsar II. Nicholas' father was Tsar Alexander III. It bears the name of Alexandre. Though