(Last Update: 23.01.2025) In this article, I would like to introduce you to a place where I always go in autumn, even though I think it would be most suitable for spring, and where I feel like I am in a corner of heaven every time I visit: Grand Lac des Ibis (gran lak dezibis or ggan lak dezibis).
Just outside Paris, RER-A Champs-ElyseesWe discovered this wonderful place, approximately 20-25 minutes away from Paris, on a winter day when we first settled in Paris. It was a Sunday, we were exploring Paris and its surroundings, we wanted to learn some new places outside the city instead of going to the city center.

Defense'so RER-AWe got on the bus and headed west, got off after five stops for no reason, and started wandering around random streets and exploring. My God, what beautiful houses, what beautiful neighborhoods they were... glass mansions Do you want? fairy sultan Palaces? Moreover, how could there be such peaceful living spaces in winter, when nature is dead?
When you see the beautiful, mostly old but well-maintained houses, you feel a little sorry for the people living in houses called "villas" in Istanbul... What a fine detail this is, what a pleasure of life this is; Moreover, an aesthetics of life, historical awareness and cultural background from a hundred years ago…

After a while, as we started to hit dead ends,Google MapsIt was inevitable to look at. Even though I am normally someone who likes to get lost without a map and discover new places by chance, I had to look at the map as the dead-end streets became more frequent, as I do not like to cross the road I passed through again. And what should I see at that moment? In a back street of where we are there is a pond! We immediately proceeded by finding the way to where that lake was on the map and we arrived at a magnificent pond.
I later learned that the name of this pond was Grand Lac des Ibis. A lush green area around it, tree-lined roads going left and right, and magnificent houses lined up on the right and left of those tree-lined roads, no two of which are similar to each other. For someone who loves architecture and nature like me, this place was heaven.
Of course, we had made the journey a long way because we were wandering around and getting lost; We discovered later, during our summer trip, that there was a much easier way to get here. Let's say "Champs Elysees“from or Châtelet – Les Hallesfrom RER-AYou are getting on; Saint Germain-en-Laye You must wait for a train heading to . Then after a 20-25 minute journey Le Vésinet – Le Pecq When you get off at the station, you will suddenly find yourself in a countryside with vineyards.

If you walk to the left in the direction of the train you get off, you will immediately see a small pond. Do not mistake that small pond for Grand Lac des Ibis. If you wish, you can visit the surroundings of this little paradise first, but I think you should try to walk directly to the right and reach this pond, Grand Lac des Ibis, through the wide meadow.
The only problem in summer is, of course, that it gets more crowded here. I love visiting such beautiful places in sunny and secluded times, even in winter. The fewer people, the more peace. Moreover, this is not just nature; The best proof of how nature can be transformed into a completely different paradise by human hands. It seems to me that this place is most beautiful in autumn.

If you wish, you can visit Ibis Island in the middle of the lake. Ibis PavilionYou can eat something at . This place is extremely stylish and at the same time, its price is above average.
After that, it's up to your spirit of discovery. If you move eastward without going too far outside the north-south band, you can be sure that you will lose yourself in the beautiful streets and beautiful neighborhoods.

In my opinion, after walking up from the station and reaching the lake, the best thing would be to walk around the pond on the left, then cross the first bridge to the island and tour the island, then cross the other bridge and walk around the island in the opposite direction from the left. You will also see a small waterfall on this side.
When you reach the first bridge again, this time enter from the street opposite and continue walking towards the station; I suggest you dive into your dreams among those beautiful houses.

Let the small ponds and water channels you come across from time to time be the surprises of the day; those surprises Le Vésinet – Le Pecq You can find it in detail in the article.
I used to live in Istanbul to experience one thousandth of this pleasure. Tuzla-MercanI used to go to , and once I walked around two streets and saw it, I felt lucky; This place is like a country unto itself, the travels never end.

If in the west direction Saint-Germain-en-Laye There is another amazing place called. There Archaeological Museum – Saint Germain en Laye Castle ve Saint Germain's Laye Park places to see. The last point you can walk in the east direction Chatou is happening. After that you will see Seine River will come out.
If you wish, you can take your return train. ChatouYou can get on from . Another option is nearby, Château de Monte Cristo, the museum house of Alexandre Dumas – Castle of Monte CristoIt might be possible to see . Still, it's best to visit this islet and its surroundings. Le Vésinet – Le Pecq I think the best way would be to take a tour and walk along the canals. Another castle in the vicinity is Malmaison Castle – Château de Malmaison; There is a beautiful park right next to it. Bois-Préau there.

Of course, if it's your first time in Paris, you may not need to go and see these places, but if you've been to Paris before and want to see some amazing places around Paris, I recommend that you spend at least half a day in such a place.
Pleasant trips, pleasant discoveries…
Address: 78110 Le Vesinet
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Thank you very much... I'm sure there are places you see and know that I'm not even aware of. Paris doesn't end with exploring, so your advice is important and valuable to me. Also, I would be happy if you share Pariste.Net or the articles you like on your social networks and help them reach more people...
I'm sorry you're leaving Paris. I hope your new life will be as beautiful as the one in Paris...