(Last Update: 30.01.2025) Marais District's treasures are endless. Here's another one of them, Espace des Blancs ManteauxThis time I want to tell you about.
Espace des Blanc Manteaux, Marais DistrictIt is actually an old covered bazaar, a market place, located in the heart of the city. Built in 1819 during the reign of Napoleon, 19924th in . Borough It has been transformed into a cultural center affiliated with the Municipality.

It is possible to visit interesting contemporary exhibitions here. Of course, when you come as a tourist, whatever happens to your luck... Personally, I do not go by following a specific program; when my way Marais District'whatever falls, when Rue Vieille du Temple If I walk on it, I come across Espace des Blancs Manteaux, so I go in and take a look.
Sometimes I come across things that appeal to me, sometimes it's the other way around, but in the end, just going in and out changes one's atmosphere. Therefore, you are sure to see something different every time you go here.

The photographs in this article are from different exhibitions that I have come across each time during my visits over the years. I hope I was able to help you get an idea of what it is like.
As I always say, A person who listens to beautiful music, looks at a beautiful painting, watches a beautiful movie, sees a beautiful sculpture, reads a good book, that is, interacts with any branch of art, necessarily changes, transforms and separates himself from others..

That's why being involved with all kinds of art is very good for me; I feel changed, transformed and always renewed.
Espace des Blanc Manteaux (espas de blan coat) First Name White Coat(s) It can be translated as Event Center, and this name was used centuries ago in a monastery located in this area. white coated from the monks It's coming. The street directly opposite the center also has the same name.

Marais You will definitely come across this center while wandering around its streets. by subway If you want to reach it on Rue de Rivoli Saint Paul or Hôtel de Ville You can get off at one of the stations.
Right in the middle of these two stations, right across the street from HSBC, Rue Vieille du TempleJust enter . As you continue straight inward, you will come across it a little further on the right.

I am sure that you will find the works on display very interesting at Espace des Blancs Manteaux, where you should not miss the upper and lower floors, which may be open depending on the content of the exhibitions and events. The majority of these exhibitions can be visited free of charge. More precisely, I have never come across a paid exhibition until today.
Artistic exhibitions are not always held here, sometimes brocante, sometimes mini fairs and sometimes other cultural events are among the surprises you will encounter. If you wish, you can review the event program by looking at the Facebook page of Espace des Blancs Manteaux at the end of this article.

Even after visiting this place Marais DistrictAll the liveliness of will be waiting for you outside. You can wander from street to street and get lost, sit in any cafe or restaurant you want, eat or drink something, if you wish. Carnavalet Museum, Cognac-Jay Museum, Picasso Museum You can visit museums such as.
If you are looking for a small park to sit and relax, Jardin des Rosiers ve SquareGeorge Cain There are options such as. All information about what to do in this area Marais District You can find it in the article.

Paris is a festival, Marais District It is one of the most enjoyable corners of that festival. What are you waiting for, enjoy it.
Pleasant trips, pleasant discoveries…
Facebook address: Espace d'Animation des Blancs Manteaux
Address: 48 Street Old Temple, 75004 Paris