(Last Update: 01.02.2025) One of the most important places to see around Paris, Claude Monet's house in Giverny It's time to tell... I had to wait a long time to go to the house of Claude Monet, one of the first names that come to mind when Impressionism is mentioned. Inevitable, When to Go to Paris? As I mentioned in my article, the weather in Paris is unpredictable, regardless of whether it is summer or winter. The weather had to be just right, especially to walk around the magnificent garden of the house and take beautiful photographs. Now it's time.

Why you should see Monet's house There may be several reasons for this. You are a special fan of Claude Monet, seeing the house where he lived and where he created his most beautiful works, while visiting his garden Feeling like you're walking through Monet's paintings It may mean a lot to you. If you love nature and wandering among beautiful flowers in wonderful gardens in the bosom of nature, then the garden of this house will be a paradise for you. You have finished the places you want to see in Paris, and you want to go outside of Paris and explore some different places. Whatever your reason, I recommend you all visit Monet's house.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

How to get to Monet's house? where the house is located Giverny, 80 kilometers from Paris a small town. To get here The most comfortable option is to come with your private vehicle. It will be. Driving in Paris As I mentioned in my article, I definitely do not recommend driving in Paris, but a car is the most enjoyable way to see these beautiful places around Paris.

My most important suggestion to those who will rent a car is to choose a vehicle with GPS or to bring their own navigation device for those who cannot use the internet abroad. Navigation devices are lifesavers, as the roads in France are unbelievably confusing - even for someone like me who has a strong sense of direction and map reading ability.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net Ahmet ORE

For those who do not have a car or do not want to rent a car transportation option by train Of course it is available. All you have to do for this is in paris Saint Lazare StationRiding trains departing from . We came to Monet's house by this train for the first time in the summer of 2012. It was very enjoyable on the way there, because we got on from the first station, but on the way back we had to sit on the stairs of the two-story train coming from Le Havre, because it was very crowded and there was no seat number on the tickets; I hope you don't come across something like this.

Giverny, Normandy RegionSince it is located outside the Île de France, which is a part of Paris, you cannot come here with normal tickets. Navigo Your card is not valid and other pass tickets can be purchased from the box office or vending machines at the station. You need to buy tickets to Vernon.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

Train ticket price round trip approx. € 20 - € 40 There will be something in between. If you wish, you can buy your train tickets from the vending machines at the station, but last minute tickets may be expensive and there may be no room on the train. That's why your train ticket earlier, TCDD of France one SNCFFrom the official website of You might be better off getting it.

You will reach it after a journey of approximately 45-50 minutes. from Vernon Givernyto go to If you wish, you can walk, if you wish space shuttleYou can get on. The shuttle leaves fifteen minutes after the train arrives at the station and the ticket price is one-way. €5, round trip €10. On our first visit, we were about five kilometers We preferred to walk the road. Some of the road is enjoyable, some is ordinary; As a result, I must admit that the walk we took was not very smart. That's why we preferred to return by shuttle. GivernyOur next trips to 'were always by car.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net Ahmet ORE

GivernyWhen you come to , you realize that you have come to a tiny village, but what a village it is. Yes, it is a small place, but this is the subject of a separate article in itself. You sigh when you see how people live in heavenly places. The street where Monet's house is located is a long, narrow road, a dreamlike place with village houses decorated with flowers and tinsel. Givernyitself is already like a painting.

If you come in the right season, everything is green and full of flowers. A peaceful environment. Alright When is the right season to visit Monet's house? Let me tell you right now: Fondation Claude Monet Monet's house can be visited every year from the beginning of April to the end of October.Open between 09:30-17:30. We first came here at the end of April, but it was not that impressive because the flowers were not fully bloomed at that time. If you come across a nice weather I guess it will be very nice from the second half of June to the second half of August. Though During our visit in September 2016 It was like summer, there were flowers everywhere, it was like heaven, During our visit in June 2018 It was rainy at first; It bloomed in the afternoon and the friends I took with me admired the garden then too; It's a matter of luck and taste...

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

The unpleasant surprise that awaits you when you arrive at Monet's house is -most likely- long queue at the door It will happen. Because this is Normandyin, legendary The Mont Saint Michelafter most visited place… Here An average of 600 thousand people travel annually… When we first came, we had to wait in line ignorantly, but we wised up on our second visit in July 2016 :)

It is wisest to bypass the queue by purchasing your ticket online in advance. To review current ticket prices and to buy your ticket online You can find the options offered in the official web page link at the end of the article.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

After showing your ticket and going down the stairs at the entrance gate, the route will take you first museum shopIt goes up to . You can look here after your trip is over, but this place has a certain importance. Claude Monet, Orangerie MuseumThat 360 degree in He once painted giant water lilies in this workshop.… It really makes you feel happy…

Then you step into the garden through the door on the right side of the living room and suddenly find yourself in a heavenly place. I think it's best to go directly to Monet's house and start the tour from there before you get lost.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

Claude Monet From 1883 until his death on December 5, 1926 lived in this house for 43 years. This magnificent house, which has a longitudinal plan with green shutters and painted pink, is not actually very magnificent; I think it is quite modest, but its colors are so beautiful and the garden it is in is so beautiful that visiting this place is good for your soul.

All rooms of the house overlook the wonderful greenery of the sloping garden; the style of the building contains all the beautiful details of the French architecture of the period; When you enter, ethnographic and artistic values ​​of 100-150 years ago await you.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

After climbing the green steps of the house and reaching the veranda, a staff greets you at the door. You think he's going to ask for tickets, but he's just trying to keep the number of people in and out limited.no photos🙂 Yes, taking photos inside is prohibited.

The first time I came, I was shy and couldn't take photos inside, but on my next visit, I came across a somewhat lucky (and unlucky) moment. The house was raided by Far Eastern tourists and no one was listening to the man. When I saw that they were taking photos, I got the chance to take photos and share them with you :)

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

When you continue left on the ground floor of the house, the most impressive part is the large hall that Monet once used as a workshop. The huge window opposite fills in wonderful light; It makes you want to sit in the seats in front of that window. There are beautiful paintings on the walls, too. Monet's main collection Musee MarmottanMoved to. Of course, I recommend you to see that museum too. Next to Monet's works If you want to see the magnificent works of the impressionists, then your address is already Orsay Museum – Musée d'Orsay It will happen. Also a museum about the Impressionists GivernyThere's also, by the way, here Musée des Impressionnismes – Museum of ImpressionismDo you think you should visit too?

Continuing our house tour, when you go upstairs, you enter Monet's bedroom and continue left. You wander around in admiration, wondering whether to look at the decoration of the interior or the landscaping of the garden. One of the cutest corners in the house is the tiny section designed as a sewing room. If I lived in this house, I would probably spend most of my time there. Maybe I couldn't sew, but I think I would use it as a little writing room, or if I were a child, this would be my playroom...

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

After touring the rooms on the upper floor one by one, you go downstairs again and move to the other corner of the house. A wonderful dining hall with yellow tones awaits you in this section. It is such a peaceful and enjoyable place. There is a magnificent kitchen right next to it. It fascinates those who see it with its blue-white colors.

When I saw the copper dining equipment on the wall, I remembered the famous classic kitchen equipment seller in Paris. E. Dehillerin It comes at the first moment. On my first visit, I was reluctant to take photos in this kitchen, but on my second visit, I was able to take as many photos as I wanted, I'm glad :)

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

Your tour of the interior of the house ends with the kitchen and you go out to the veranda through the kitchen door. From here on down The Clos Normand It's time to get lost in the garden called (Normand Vineyard/Garden). But unfortunately, although the house has a large garden, its navigable part is not that big.

One wants to visit every corner of this beautiful garden, but most of it you are content to watch from afar. You can still go down to the bottom and pass through the garden. The route goes like this anyway. In fact, not wandering around the entire garden is good for its preservation, otherwise it would not be easy to maintain and protect the garden despite so many visitors.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

When you go to the bottom of the garden, it is a very pleasant feeling to watch the pink and green house that you have just visited among the greenery. The only unpleasant part is that the driveway passes through the garden wall. One does not want to hear anything other than the sounds of birds and wind in this paradise... Okay? Where is the garden where Monet painted his famous water lily paintings? Let me tell you right away: It's on the other side of the road.

Go down the stairs in the lower right corner of the garden and You cross to the other side of the road via the underpass. and the second beautiful part of the garden so Jardin d'Eau Thus (Water Garden) begins. I advise you not to bother too much about taking lots of pictures of the first pond you come across, the beauties of the garden await you in a more fascinating way in the further parts of the track.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

you will see Japanese Bridgewaiting gently in the water les nympheaswater lilies, the sparkle of the waters and the reflections of the clouds in the water go down in history as the moment when you are truly inside Monet's paintings that you cannot get enough of looking at. Even though every corner of the garden seems like a corner of heaven There is a very important difference between what you have seen in the tables so far and what you see in reality:

No no, I'm not talking about the landscape difference between the garden of that time and the garden of today, what I'm talking about is, The difference in how Claude Monet saw this garden and how he painted it for us. Let's summarize it as follows: As an impressionist, he reflects to us the impressions that nature leaves on himself, that is, he did not photograph this garden exactly. Not what you see, but what you want to see So... When I realized this, I suddenly compared the way I perceive and live life, and then the way I convey it, to Monet's paintings; A Year in Heaven So I was able to explain to myself how the article came to be. That's why this garden felt even better to me.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

I think looking at those paintings and seeing this garden with your own eyes is an extraordinary life experience in any case. It took Monet years to build this garden, and its maintenance also requires a lot of care. After his death in 1926, the garden fell into disrepair and no trace of its former beauty remained.

But fortunately Académie des Beaux-Arts – French Academy of Fine Artsestablished under Fondation Claude Monet – Claude Monet Foundation regained its life thanks to June 1, 1980It opened its doors to Monet lovers and became a place that attracts a lot of attention. Well what did they say? If you look, it becomes a vineyard; if you don't, it becomes a mountain....

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

Personally, Jardin d'Eau is a much more special place for me than the actual garden above. I would prefer to spend more time here and wish I knew the names of all these flowers. There is nothing better than sitting on the benches and enjoying the magnificent landscape and the peace of the environment. Especially if there is an artist inside you, it is inevitable that you will nourish yourself with these beauties and create beautiful works. I think everyone who knows how to paint can become a painter in this garden...

The first time I came here, while we were sitting on such benches, an old French woman sat next to us and tried to chat with us. I say she worked because over time Fransızca we didn't know; During our conversation in English, he was very happy when we told him that we were Turkish. Ajda Pekkan's manager He said it was. Since we did not ask his name, we never had the opportunity to confirm the accuracy of this information.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

Even though people can't get enough of the garden, it's time to step out. We pass through the passage under the road and return to the garden above. At this point, there is a door through which the groups enter, but it is forbidden to leave through this door. Since you don't want to go out right away, you walk upwards with pleasure. It is up to your choice whether to go inside again or not, but museum shopI especially recommend you go down the path at the bottom of , because here a tiny chicken coop there is. I call it a chicken coop, but I can't tell if the contents are birds or chickens :) The tops are pure white with tassels and tassels. chicken-like Well… They are so beautiful.

Last of all museum shopI glanced at and through the door, GivernyWe're going out for a stroll around. As I said, there is also Museum of Impressionism there is. When we first went here in July 2016, it was closed for a short time, so we went again in September 2016 and visited a wonderful exhibition. I recommend it to you too.

Claude Monet's House - Claude Monet's House - Fondation Claude Monet - Giverny Pariste.Net

Well, you are hungry and you want to eat something. Maybe you can try Les Nympheas, which is right across from the house, but I think you should turn left and start walking. If you are thinking of a lunch snack, you can eat it at the places on the road, but if you want to crown your day, walk a little further in the same direction, about 100 meters away, on the right, there is an old hotel. Restaurant BaudyEat at , you will be very satisfied. Although the inside of this restaurant is also very nice, I hope the weather will be nice when you go (which If the weather is not nice Givernydon't go to) Add meaning to your day by sitting in the open air under the red umbrellas in the garden right across the street and eating your delicious meals.

Oh and while we've come this far Monet's grave It would be meaningful to visit. Restaurant BaudyWhen you walk forward a little, you will see on the right Church of Sainte-Radegonde will come out. Monet's modest grave is in the garden of this church; Claude Monet sleeps his last sleep in this peaceful garden...

Oh, I'm finally enjoying having completed one of the posts I wanted to write the most on the blog. You don't know how valuable this article is to me. The place itself is magnificent in itself, but in order to convey this beauty, we had to wait for the right time, find the right meteorological day to take the photos, match the schedules, and after this and that, we came to this day, and I'm glad we did... I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did, and I hope you read this place for the first time. You will have a chance to see it. Details about things to do in the region: Normandy Guide You can find it in my article.

May you always have beautiful colors in your life, sir.

Pleasant trips, pleasant discoveries.



Web address: fondation-monet.com

Address: 84 Rue Claude Monet, 27620 Giverny



  1. Hello,
    Our story of going to Calude Monet's house started with the intense insistence of my colleagues and my daughter's adaptation of Monet's Poppies painting on a tiny canvas at school. After receiving approval from your blog, we hit the road. We went by car, but we had a little difficulty finding parking. There was an incredible concentration of Japanese tourists. After seeing the garden, I couldn't help but think that it was impossible not to be an artist here, it was a complete paradise. We went in August, but a friend of mine said that June was even more beautiful and that there were different flowers in each season (he went 3 times at different times). It is really advantageous to buy tickets in advance, we entered without waiting in line. While I was there, I also really envied the care, care and attention given to them, how much they protect their values. It should definitely be visited, seen and shared. France definitely does not only mean Paris.

    • Ahmet Ore Reply

      “France definitely doesn't just mean Paris.” This is our key sentence... Indeed, there are so many impressive places to visit in Paris, its surroundings and even in the whole of France... Giverny is one of them. These places force people to become painters...
      Thanks for your valuable comment.

  2. ASLI TEZCAN Reply

    Mr Ahmet,
    We are glad we read your article about this paradise village. We took the opportunity to drive to this village and had an incredible day thanks to you. We have determined our route and daily program completely according to your recommendations. Thus, we did not encounter any surprises.

    As you suggested, we bought our tickets online in advance. When we clicked on the link you specified on your page, we witnessed that the ticket prices were 1 or 2 Euros cheaper than the ticket prices on other sites. I would also like to point this out. Even though we bought the ticket in advance, we waited a bit in line, but the line moved faster than others.

    Monet's house and its garden, which were the subject of paintings, were magnificent. As you said, May is one of the best months to visit, it was full of colorful flowers everywhere.

    We loved the Baudy Restaurant you recommended. Naturally, we waited there for a while to be seated. Because the number of visitors is quite high. Of course it was worth the wait. We made our day even more festive with delicious meals.

    Thank you so much

    • Ahmet Ore Reply

      Hello Ms. Asli,
      First of all, thank you very much for your nice comment.
      I am always in favor of purchasing online tickets from the official page, how nice that you did so too...
      There can be so many visitors to Monet's house that, as you said, sometimes the queue can be long even for those who buy their tickets online in advance. Thank you very much for sharing this information with us.
      I hope you have many nice trips.
      Greetings loves…

  3. The house of Monet, one of my favorite painters, is as beautiful, spacious and bright as his paintings. All the houses and castles in Paris are very beautiful from the outside, but since their interiors are the gloomy and crowded decorations of the past, it makes me feel like throwing myself out as soon as possible, but the inside of Monet's house and its garden are perfect for visiting. Thanks to your feet and efforts, I felt like I was traveling :)))

  4. He is my daughter's favorite painter. I hope we will come to see his house as soon as possible.

    Istanbullu1963 (instagram)

    • I hope you go and see this beauty with your own eyes, together with your daughter, at the first opportunity.
      I wish you happy days.

  5. Hello,
    Even though I have been to Paris a few times before, after meeting your articles, I wanted to revisit it with a different perspective and a love for Paris was born (even though I had never been there anyway :)) Your articles and suggestions are so valuable to me right now; Thanks to you, I am creating a new travel program. Thank you for your efforts, effort and heart for this wonderful resource, information and photographs :) With love…

    • Hello Ms. Canan,
      You don't know how happy your message made me. Just today, an Irish friend of mine told me that he went to Giverny last weekend and that the garden of Monet's house was like heaven, and then I read your comment under this article.
      Thank you very, very much.

  6. Thanks to you, I felt like I saw a place that I really wanted to see. You explained it very well. Thank you.

  7. Thanks to you, I felt like I visited the house of one of my favorite painters. It is truly a magnificent landscape. I can understand his desire to constantly paint his garden. Thank you for the nice article

    • You can never get enough of the garden when you visit it in good seasons, and even if you are a Monet lover, you are more deeply impressed every time you go there.
      Thank you for your interest and nice comment.

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