(Last Update: 30.01.2025) This article is about one of the books written on Paris; which I also took part in with an article., so on a book that is very special to me: my paris ... There are some things in life that when you sit down and think about them, you cannot believe they are real. First of all, the fact that I live in Paris, then the fact that I somehow started this blog and reached you from here, and then the valuable people I met thanks to this blog and the unforgettable traces in my life journey as a result of these meetings... Among those traces, 'My Paris' was one of the most important ones for me. im…
my paris, Cüneyt AyralThe name of 's book, published by Oğlak Publications... The importance of this book, in which very valuable Paris information and memories are shared, is - as I said - completely different for me: Among the pages of My Paris, there is a section where Paris is described by my pen; In other words, with this book, I saw for the first time in my life a piece of writing written by my own pen among the pages of a book; Moreover, I am happy to be included as a chapter in the book of such a valuable author. My own book after many years A Week in ParisThis book had a great impact on me finding the courage to write.
Settling in Paris Some time after I started writing Pariste.Net, I started writing about people who were living in Paris like me at the time. Cüneyt Ayralasked me to get to know the person who wrote the articles on the blog. TwitterAfter reaching from , 7 at the first opportunity. borough'On Café l'EclairI remember the day we met in , I had the pleasure of meeting an incredibly deep person who looked at life from a completely different perspective. Himself “Humpback” and ”Ink Kaat and YouI knew him from his poetry books called ". Of course he was much more than I knew. When I listened to her life story, what Ayral told me made my head spin, especially when she talked about the first fifty years of her life, "TravelWhen I read the book...
Then, over time, our friendship strengthened. Even though neither of us had a priority in establishing a Turkish circle in Paris, we loved each other very much; At least I loved him very much :) He must have loved me too, so despite our opposite characters and even our common tastes that rarely intersected, we started to meet at every opportunity and accumulate beautiful memories together, with the strength of having the same values. Looking at Paris and life from his perspective always made me happy.

Our friendship still continues beautifully. At the same time, although he is a gourmet person when it comes to food and drink and has books written on food culture, every time he invites us to dinner, while there are hundreds of dishes in his knowledge, he makes me order fries and "mom pattiesFor me, his acceptance to do this is the greatest courtesy he has shown on this matter :) my simplicity Even though I am sometimes afraid that he will beat me because of this, I feel very comfortable knowing that he will not do it in any way :)
The first big favor Cüneyt Ayral did to me before his book My Paris was Hakan GündayAt 's awards night in Paris Kenize Mourad It helped me meet . This was a very, very special moment for me. Thanks to him, I read both Turkish and French, which I love very much.From Palace to ExileI had the chance to meet and chat with the author of the book.
Then one day, Cüneyt Ayral curated, Bedri Baykam's in 2015 Istanbul Pyramid Art GalleryInternational photography exhibition opened in “Totally NakedHe asked me to take the catalog cover photo for ". I remember how my skirts were on fire before this exhibition; Now, when I look back on those days, I cannot thank him enough for allowing me to be among the important international photographers with a photograph in a very successful exhibition.
Of course, Cüneyt Ayral's kindness to me was not limited to this. While I was in the process of writing the book My Paris, which caused me to write this article today, one day he came to me and asked me to write my own Paris for the book My Paris. Of course, when he told me that he would put the article I was going to write in the book, my skirts were on fire again. Because Writing a blog and writing a book are two different things.. Okay, it's easy to sit down and write, but in a printed work, unlike in a blog, you don't have the opportunity to correct anything you don't like or find wrong later... Upon this offer, the idea of being included in a book, even if just a chapter, blew my mind. I sat in front of the computer and started telling about my Paris.

I remember my hesitation when pressing the "send" button when I was sending the article by e-mail after finishing it and checking it many times... Cüneyt Ayral is good and nice, but he is quite ruthless when it comes to art. He says "out loud" to the man's face what he doesn't like or finds wrong. Well, I write Pariste.Net purely for pleasure, to help people; I have no interest in producing any art, even though I love literature very much. At that moment, I was sending a letter to someone like Cüneyt Ayral with the claim of taking part in a literary work; Naturally, I was afraid of not being liked. My hesitation is "why is there a need to experience this fear, why am I getting involved in these things?" I think it was anxiety :)
Then soon came the answer from Cüneyt Ayral. It was not as I feared, on the contrary, he liked my writing very much. I can't explain how happy I was then. Because by an author “you write wellBeing appreciated like this inevitably makes one jump with joy. It was no longer that important to me whether that article was published in the book or not; I felt my spiritual satisfaction with that e-mail.
While I was waiting for the day in Paris to pick up the book, I had to go to Istanbul urgently for another job, and I took the opportunity to go to Mephisto in Kadıköy and had the pleasure of seeing the book on its shelf and buying it from the bookstore. Of course, books are sold cheaper online. But before
Gibert Joseph, Shakespeare and Company comic Paris bookstores As I tried to point out in my articles about it, unless I am in a difficult situation, I like to go to the bookstore and buy the books I like, instead of buying them online.
Then I picked up My Paris, looked at its cover for a long time and started turning the pages... I confess - I don't want Cüneyt to be angry with me - but I found and read my own writing first :) What a joy it was to see the words coming from your own pen on a book page... At the beginning of the 21st chapter of the book Cüneyt Ayral started my article with a nice introduction to the subject, and how beautifully he connected the subject at the end...
Although I was one of the lucky people who read the book before it went to print, when you hold it in such a book format, something different happens inside you. In the book, which is decorated with Dilara Kutay's beautiful photographs, I was also happy that a few of the photographs in the section with my article were among my favorite photographs in the book.

Why should you read My Paris? For my part, I feel like giving a childish answer, "to read my Paris from my writing", but the truth is, I believe that reading Paris through Cüneyt Ayral's eyes will add completely different things to you.
Before anything else Cüneyt Ayral has as many memories of Paris as I do.; In other words, he has accumulated so much in this city over all this time... He has crossed paths with many artists, tried many tastes, met many people, walked many streets. He witnessed the changing and unchanging face of Paris. Since he is a master of literature, he listed these in a very beautiful and fascinating way in his book... My Paris is not the first book Cüneyt Ayral wrote about Paris. Previously written "Paris Notes” and ”Paris Notes 2He has two more books called "; Actually, I need to find and read them at the first opportunity.
Nedim GurselMy Paris, foreworded by His book contains many special information that you cannot find anywhere else. If you wish, let me give you a section from Nedim Gürsel's foreword, which is on the back cover of the book and is also used in press releases; You will understand better what I mean:
“While reading this book, you will not only whet your appetite, but you will also be introduced to the author's irony, and you will travel around Paris step by step, under his guidance, until you reach its most hidden corners. You will encounter unexpected surprises while wandering around. This book will give you information about Paris's daily life and entertainment venues, rather than its past and historical structures. I would like to point out that among these places there are also swinger and sadomazo clubs, the address of which is hidden in the author's name. If you ask me, breathing the air of such places, which you cannot find in every tourist guide, is a special privilege. Especially today, when conservatism prevails and it is forgotten that sexual freedom can also be a virtue and should at least be tolerated.”

Everyone's Paris is different. We all walk on the same streets and the same boulevards, but each of us turns into different streets and enters different buildings and other courtyards. Even if the place we go to is the same, we look at life from different windows and have different life experiences. That's why Cüneyt Ayral's book My Paris is completely different. Moreover, it is not a book to be read once for me. I am sure that I will go back and re-read it to learn about the unknown corners of Paris and the stories I don't know, and to use it in my future blog posts...
I really wonder what you will feel when you buy and read this book, how you will find Paris through my eyes, and what you will think after reading it. Therefore, I would be very happy if you write your thoughts in the comments or reach me through other social media networks. Personal page for Cüneyt Ayral https://ayral.wordpress.com You can reach us at and share your comments about My Paris.
To buy My Paris, you can go to distinguished bookstores in Turkey and buy it in person, as I like to do, or you can order it online as required by our age. Here are the links where you can find My Paris on several online book sales sites:
One click will be enough to buy the book from the link you are most accustomed to shopping among these links or the one that offers the most affordable price. If there are any other sales links you would like me to add, please feel free to share them.
Also The Turkish I also recommend you to read Cüneyt Ayral's book, Paris is Brilliant, which will be published in 2023.. Even though there is no trace of me in that book, it is possible to get a lot of Parisian atmosphere 😉
Cüneyt Ayral's friend for forty years Nedim GurselYou can watch his interview with Me about My Paris and other books, as well as Paris and life, in the video above.
I hope that one day I can realize the book projects I have in mind.
I hope you read, love and live My Paris.
Days with lots of books.
Pleasant trips, pleasant discoveries.
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Hello brother Serdar...
Thank you for the nice words..
Unfortunately, the answer to the question you asked is negative, because in Turkey it takes years for even a normal book to be published, be it an e-book or an audio book... I wish there was a studio so I could read my books with my own voice and leave them for the future. We tried this once for a poetry book, but it wasn't successful, we couldn't record it and we didn't know how to sell it.
I had e-books but I stopped selling them because I don't work with that publishing house. You will understand, just touch and hear...
There is only one way left for your wife for now, you will read the book to her, well it's worth it for an old friend, what do you think?
Greetings and love
Hello Mr. Ahmet…
We continue to read the information about Paris in your publications and follow you. Cüneyt Ayral is a very special person whom I met many years ago during my student years at TODAİE SİYO in Ankara. He is a very distinguished personality with his ideas and thoughts on life. When I read that you met him on your blog, I was very happy to find his trace thanks to you. That's how I learned about his books. I have a request from you: I can read your books, but since my wife is visually impaired, she can read by listening to audio books. Are there any books by Cüneyt Ayral that have been made into audio books? Or is he planning to prepare such a book? Can you learn? Thank you for attention
Greetings and love to you and Cüneyt Ayral, I wish you happy days...